Monday, February 11, 2008

The Beginning

Today is the first day of my "Summer Goals" blog. I know, I know...even I said to myself, 'Not another weight loss blog...,' yet here I am, starting up another online journal of what will prove to be either a confidence-shattering failure, or smashing success. Of course, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the latter.

So, onto the much do I weight, what size jeans do I wear, what are my short-term goals...long-term goals. That will have to wait until later. I'm swinging by my local Target tonight to purchase a shiny new scale. Hopefully I'll find one that eternally agrees with me and spits out only good numbers and progress, progress, progress!

I've gone back and forth on whether or not to include a daily food journal. While I will agree that daily food journaling is helpful in reaching weight-loss success, I've personally found it enslaving as well. I tend to lean on the obsessive side of journaling, list-making, note-taking, etc. I haven't yet decided but I may keep my food journal the old fashioned way - in a notebook small enough to fit in my bag so I always have it on hand.

Now...tonight's the big night. I will weigh-in and make the kick-off of this blog official. I suppose some of those "before" pictures may eventually be motivational, but at this moment, in the height of my weight-loss crisis, I see no motivation in that type of photo. Let me get some progress under my belt first.

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