Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yoplait Whips

Today's Weight: 188.8
Total Loss: -1.6
Pounds to lose for 1st Goal: 29.8
Days to go: 102

Last night I had baked chicken and oven-baked french fries. It wasn't all that bad. Since Lent has begun and I've given up all sweets (i.e. desserts, not fruit, yogurt, etc.), I've noticed a strange weakness in my legs. I do have low-blood sugar, but I know I'm eating enough and getting enough sugar in via yogurt and fruit. So, I can't explain it. I'm also aware I need to cut back on caffeine - i.e. ICED TEA. This is extremely difficult for me - I'm not sure if I crave the caffeine, the actual tea or the artificial sweeteners more. The combination of all three is hard to fight.

My weight loss is progressing quite slowly, given that it's the first week and you usually see the biggest loss during this time. I'm not discouraged though - I've lost weight quickly in the past and it didn't get me anywhere in the end.

I'd also like to say that I LOVE Yoplait Yogurt Whips. At 140-160 calories and 20-22 grams of sugar per 4 oz. container, it's higher than the 6 oz. container of Yoplait Light, which weighs in at around 100 calories and 15 grams of sugar. The trade-offs are well worth it because the Whips are so light and airy - very close to mousse consistancy. They come in several flavors and are great when you're really hungry for something sweet.

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