Wednesday, February 20, 2008

grocery shopping

Starting Weight: 190.4
Today's Weight: 189
Total Loss: -1.4
Pounds to lose for 1st Goal: 30
Days to go: 96

Well, I'm not surprised. Last night we went to Chili's and I had a steak quesadilla with fries. No, I didn't eat the whole quesadilla, and yes, I scraped most of the filling out of each piece that I did eat, but that's not the point. The meal was loaded with fat and sodium, not to mention calories.

This seems to be what happens when I fail to plan dinner. By the time I get off work, I don't feel like 1. going to the grocery store, 2. coming back home to cook, 3. waiting for it to be ready, 4. wash dishes (or load difference for me).

I realize I need to make a weekly grocery shopping trip. The thing is, I don't like to grocery shop but I need to change my attitude about that. I have no adversion to other forms of shopping, but food shopping isn't high on my list of things I enjoy. Maybe no one does; who knows? I've got to get over it though because when the ingredients aren't in the house, I'm not motivated enough to make a daily supermarket trek after work, and then eating out becomes very attractive, easy and convenient.

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