Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Summer Goal Date

I have established May 26 as my Summer Goal. It's also my first goal date, I suppose. By no means do I think I will be able to lose all the pounds needed to reach my healthy goal, but it's a start. I've always heard that setting smaller, more attainable goals for yourself proves more successful than taking on the big picture all at once, so this is going to be my strategy.

Here's how it breaks down:
May 26 - 104 days away.
159 - the weight I'd like to reach by May 26.
That equals 31.4 pounds in a little less than 16 weeks.
That equals roughly 2 pounds per week (a healthful, reasonable goal).

I know a lot of people hear two pounds a week and scoff - it's not enough, it's too slow, etc. I am here to say that two pounds per week is not only a great result in the world of dieting, but it's also not as easy to achieve as some may think. Just think - there are 52 weeks in a year...if you lost two pounds per week consistantly, you'd have a loss of 104 pounds at the end of one year. One-hundred-and-four-pounds!

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