Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Weight Watchers Smart Ones" Macaroni & Cheese

While making my way down the frozen foods aisle a few days ago, I paused to pick up a macaroni and cheese frozen entree. Being that it's Lent, there are a few meat-less Fridays I need to prepare for.

Anyway, I went to grab my old stand-by - "Weight Watchers Smart Ones" Macaroni & Cheese until I noticed that the "Points" value is now five. Not so long ago I recall the "Points" value being four. I studied the package more closely, looking for changes to the product, and I really couldn't spot anything different. That was about the time I noticed another "Weight Watchers Smart Ones" Macaroni & Cheese entree right next to the five-pointers, for a whopping six points. I wondered what was causing the self-described "classic" dish to gain two points. I headed over to the Lean Cuisines only to notice that their macaroni and cheese also carries a five "Point" value, so I stuck with the "Smart One." I'd had it before and thought it was generally alright-tasting. Plus, I figured the added "Point" would probably only add to the taste. More "Points" more taste, right?

Fast forward to today. No, it's not a Friday, but since I declined to eat the frozen mac and cheese last Friday, and since I failed to bring anything for my lunch today, I decided to heat it up. Despite the added "Point," I could detect no added flavor, no added volume, no added taste. Go figure.

Side note: Have you ever taken a random bite of a frozen pasta entree and bit down into something way too crunchy? Like a huge piece or rock salt? I'm assuming it's salt, or another spice maybe, but it's super unpleasant. This has happened to me more than once and with more than one entree flavor, so I can't quite pinpoint what it is.

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